IT requirements & troubleshooting

IT requirements for SCILS

by System Administrator -

SCILS (Supply Chain Immersive Learning Simulation™) is more than a learning-oriented serious game, it is the Flight Simulator of Supply Chain Professionals for a life-long learning journey from studenthood to retirement.


SCILS: the Flight Simulator for Supply Chain Professionals

SCILS (Supply Chain Immersive Learning Simulation™) is a learning-oriented serious game which is accessible on theSupply Chain Capability Development Platform with a few IT requirements.

IT requirements:

  1. Ensure that you have a Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) as the simulation uses DirectX which Microsoft refuses to make it compatible with Apple Mac OS: DO NOT use an APPLE computer ! The minimum settings are:

    Processor: Intel Pentium IV 600MHz or higher. 64-bit machines only !

    Operating System:  Windows® XP Service Pack 3 or later, Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later, Windows 8, 9 or 10.

    To check the OS, click the Start button, enter Computer in the search box, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.

  2. Close all browsers, Install JAVA and open Internet Explorer (IE) ONLY !!
  3. Add the site to the security exception of the JAVA console:

  4. Allow pop-up windows from this site
  5. Remember username (tick) / password (browser dependent) as you will run the simulations many times. You would thus need to allow cookies for this site (this is safe).
  6. Ensure that the sound drivers work well (play any music on your PC to test it)
  7. Ensure to have a good internet connection with a high download speed (50Mbs)

Note: SCILS is an advanced simulation which requires game-level computational power. This is why we chose JAVA by Oracle. Over 3 billion devices run on JAVA.


1. Error "Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag!  It means that JAVA is not installed properly or that you are NOT using Internet Explorer: go into Internet Explorer  and check your JAVA installation: click here.

2. Error “Engine could not be initialised”. Exit the activity and re-enter the simulation.

3. Error “This application requires an Xtra (Thinking Worlds…)”. You are using an Apple: please use a Windows PC. If on a PC already, this is due to an incorrect installation of Java: uninstall completely and install JAVA again .

4. The loading of the simulation stops: it means that JAVA isn't properly installed on your system”: uninstall completely  and reinstall it) or that the add-on in your browser is not enabled: click here for resolutions

5. The loading of the simulation takes more than one minute: check your internet connection for higher bandwidth. This only happens on the first loading of a simulation: if you replay it several times, then there is no waiting time. 

6. The loading of the simulation gets stuck at or near 100%: WAIT. After 30 seconds, if still stuck, exit and enter the simulation again. If still stuck, close as many other applications as you can and relaunch the simulation. If still stuck, reboot and do it again. If still stuck, it means that JAVA isn't properly installed on your system”: uninstall completely  and reinstall it) or that the add-on in your browser is not enabled: click here for resolutions. Please use IE ONLY.

7. The simulation loads but action buttons are misaligned: this is due to the zoom on your browser: set it back to 100%.

8. Inside the simulation, the Avatar messages cannot be seen in full. This is due to the font size: reset to standard fonts to ensure best legibility (Control Panel/Appearance and Personalization/Display: 100%).

For all other problems, please email us (ITsupportCDP (at) with detailed descriptions and screenshots of your issue.